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How to properly clean a snakes enclosure

We all love our little snakes and want nothing but the best for them! However, owning a snake is more than just a cool-looking terrarium and feeding them once a week. It's important to maintain proper hygiene and cleanliness to ensure your little buddy is healthy and happy.

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To make sure your snake's home is always in top condition, there are a few things you should do daily, weekly, and monthly:


Daily Maintenance:

Here are some daily tasks you should keep up with to maintain a healthy snake enclosure:

  1. Check for any feces or urine and remove it immediately.
  2. Change the water in the enclosure regularly. Snakes often soak in their water bowls, and this can lead to the spread of parasites if they have any. Contaminated water can also cause bacterial infections when ingested.

Weekly Maintenance:

You should perform the following tasks once a week:

  1. Take your snake out of the enclosure and give them a quick checkup for injuries, pests, and other signs of ill health.
  2. Remove any fallen or dead leaves from live plants you might have in the enclosure.
  3. Check for any feces or urine and change the water in the enclosure.

Monthly Maintenance:

While keeping up with daily and weekly maintenance can seem like a lot, monthly deep cleaning is an essential step to keeping your snake's home clean and safe. Here's what you should do each month:

  1. Remove your snakes from the enclosure, one tank at a time. Place them in a bucket with warm, shallow water of approximately 85 degrees. Cover the bucket with a secure lid with air holes to ensure they are hydrated and to remove any stuck shed or waste.
  2. Put all decor in a bucket with hot water, a small amount of Dawn dish soap, and a little bit of chlorhexidine to clean and disinfect everything properly. Rinse all items thoroughly before putting them back into the enclosure.
  3. Empty out all substrate and vacuum the tank thoroughly.
  4. Spray a mixture of water and chlorhexidine (get it here) and let it sit for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Take a steam cleaner such as this one and steam the walls of your tank slowly.  Giving it enought time to kill any bacteria left over.  Do not use a steam cleaner anywhere near your snake! This cleaners can burn you or your pet.
  6. Wipe the tank down with paper towels, rinse with clear water, and towel dry.
  7. Begin putting your pet's home back together, starting with new clean substrate along with rinsed & dried decor.
  8. Once everything is set up, take your snakes out of their bath, carefully look them over, and set them free to roam their fresh, clean home.

By following these steps, you can keep your snake's home clean and healthy, promoting a happy and thriving companion.


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